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Ray of Hope(一”线“希望)是作为第三届“益”游未尽Game Jam的参赛作品,创作灵感来源于第三届“益”游未尽Game Jam的主题。这是一款3D模拟类游戏,玩家在游戏中需要扮演一个救援小组的队员,帮助在核电站爆炸后的工作/抢修人员安全撤离危险海域,而在最后玩家也将面临不同的选择。希望能够表现出我们对于主题的理解”救援,互助,传递希望“。

"Ray of Hope" is an entry for the Game for Good Game Jam 2023. The creative inspiration came from the theme of the Game for Good Game Jam 2023. It is a 3D simulation game where players take on the role of a member of a rescue team. The mission is to assist workers and repair teams in safely evacuating from hazardous areas following a nuclear power plant explosion. In the end, players will be faced with various choices. We hope to reflect our understanding of the theme: 'Rescue, Mutual Assistance, and Spreading Hope'."



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GameJamV8.zip 302 MB

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